Vermilion Bird

A parasol weapon used exclusively by Zhuque with various hidden mechanisms. Vermilion Bird's large parasol body can not only become a powerful tool to destroy enemies using energy, but also something to block the sight of others and hide the holder's demeanor...
- Element Flame
- Type Tank
- S Shatter 14.00
- A Charge 8.00
- Attack 562 (Lv. 200, 0★)
- Resistance 234 (Lv. 200, 0★)
- HP 40000 (Lv. 200, 0★)
Weapon Enhancements (levels)
Affects skill damage and weapon statsWeapon Advancements (stars)
Affects weapon statsPart of a set
- Lan
- Shatter
- S 14.00
- Charge
- A 8.00
- Vermilion Bird
- Shatter
- S 14.00
- Charge
- A 8.00
- Lan
Weapon Effects
When the weapon is fully charged, the next attack will ignite the target for 8 seconds, dealing damage equal to 58.00% of ATK every second. While ignited, targets' healing effect is reduced by 50%.
Flame Resonance
Increase flame ATK by 15% and flame resistance by 25%. Activate by equipping 2 or more flame weapons. This set effect works in the off-hand slot. Cannot stack with effects of the same type.
Each advancement requires 1x Vermilion Bird duplicate to upgrade.
Stars | Effect |
1 ★ | Vermilion Strength: When equipping Vermilion Bird, the ammo costs, damage, charge, and shatter effects of other weapons are multiplied by Polyfeather Parasol. Glowing Fire: When nearby targets trigger burn tally or take damage from Fiery Crash, 30% of the damage is transferred to the 3 highest HP percentage units near the target (including the target itself). |
2 ★ | Increase the current weapon's base HP growth by 16%. |
3 ★ | Passive 1: When using any weapon discharge attack or shatter, all parasols in the vicinity trigger 1 Fiery Crash at 30% effectiveness. Reduce the ATK of enemies near the parasols by 15%. When in combat, spawn 3 parasols near the target immediately after dealing damage for the first time. |
4 ★ | Increase the current weapon's base ATK growth by 32%. |
5 ★ | Fiery Crash and the transferred damage ignore 60% of the target's flame resistance. Flame damage dealt by Corrosion is increased by 10%. |
6 ★ | Increase the damage dealt by Dancing Flames and Soaring Strike by 50%. When calculating the effects of spinning parasols, Phoenix Sweep, and Fiery Crash add 2 to Polyfeather Paraso. |
Weapon Enhancements (levels)
Affects skill damage and weapon statsDancing Flames Lv. 21
DamageWhile on the ground, use normal attack to launch 5 consecutive attacks. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 94.8% of ATK plus 599 and knock the target back a short distance. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 129.8% of ATK plus 820 and knock the target back significantly. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 221.3% of ATK plus 1398 and suspend the target. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 241.3% of ATK plus 1524 and knock the target down. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 304.1% of ATK plus 1921 and knock the target back.
Attack x5Soaring Strike Lv. 21
DamageWhile airborne, use normal attack to launch 5 attacks in a row in mid-air, consuming endurance. First Attack: Deal damage equal to 106.3% of ATK plus 671. Second Attack: Deal damage equal to 129.8% of ATK plus 820. Third Attack: Deal damage equal to 158.1% of ATK plus 999. Fourth Attack: Deal damage equal to 165.3% of ATK plus 1044. Fifth Attack: Deal damage equal to 296.3% of ATK plus 1871.
JumpAttack x5Blazing Wings Lv. 21
DamageWhile on the ground, tap and hold normal attack during the second to the fifth normal attack to trigger Blazing Wings. Dash forward quickly and suspend self, dealing damage equal to 125% of ATK plus 789 to nearby targets and strongly suspending them.
AttackHold AttackMolten Heart Lv. 21
DamageHyperbodyWhile airborne, tap and hold normal attack to trigger Molten Heart. Then, continue to consume endurance and gain hyperbody. Control Vermilion Bird and deal damage equal to 25% of ATK plus 158 to nearby targets, and command the parasols to spin rapidly. Release normal attack to fall. While falling, each attack that lands on the target deals damage equal to 50% of ATK plus 316, and knocks down the target. Passive: When the parasols are spinning rapidly, the feathers consumed every second by Flame Vortex is multiplied by Polyfeather Parasol, and the damage, charge, and shatter effects from Flame Vortex are also multiplied by Polyfeather Parasol. Feathers: Gain 1 automatically every second, and 1 for every time damage is dealt. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds. Feathers can be stored up to 30. Polyfeather Parasol = 1 plus the number of parasols.
JumpHold AttackSummon Parasol Lv. 21
SupportWhile not in combat, tap and hold normal attack on the ground to spawn a parasol at the designated location for 15 seconds, or until combat starts. While not in combat, use the skill to move to where the parasol is, and use double-jump to glide. Cooldown: 6 seconds.
Hold Attack
Upgrade Materials
Increases max weapon level to Lv. 200
and raises weapon skills to
Lv. 20.
A final augmentation exists at weapon level 200, raising weapon skills
to Lv. 21.
Req. Wanderer Level 100.
Increases weapon level from Lv. 0 to Lv. 200